Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week of Sept. 28th- Oct. 2nd

Let's have a great week! Thanks to GABE for making his post last week!!! Remember to answer the question and post your answer each week.

Smithsonian Kids Collections

Reading- Main Idea

Beat the Bully!

Spelling City- Compound Words

In our story, Prudy collects tons of things! What is something you would like to begin collecting? Why?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Week of Sept. 21st-25th

I hope everyone is feeling better this week! I am excited about this week's story! I am also excited about you reviewing and writing your Response to Literature. Let's make it a super duper week!!!

Reading Activity-Cause and Effect

A Day's Work- Spelling City

In our story, Francisco told a lie. Do you think it was okay? Why or why not?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Please play the following activities. Remember to post a comment to the question of the week!
Work hard and you will always be rewarded!!!

Language Arts:

Compound Sentence Game

Spelling Word Practice- Spelling City

Little Critters Language Games

In our last story, the setting was Africa. Would you like to live in Africa like Suruni? Why or Why not? Please click on comments to post your answer. Thank You!!!


Number Monster Game (you need some scratch paper)

Fishing Subtraction Game